
Benefits of a Mental Health Day from Work or School

We’ve all had those days when the alarm goes off and we lie in bed, feeling depleted of our energy, and maybe even our good mood. We think to ourselves, “I’m not really sick, but I just need a break from real life today.” While taking a sick day is common when you are feeling physically unwell, what’s not as...[ read more ]

Journaling Therapy – Art Therapy

“Dear Diary…” As kids, many of us told our deepest secrets and our hopes and dreams to our diaries. And then we got older and forgot all about visiting those pages each day.You may have heard about journaling, which some would say is the adult equivalent of keeping a diary. But journaling can also be a powerful form of therapy, as...[ read more ]

Why Therapy for Caretakers is More Important Than Ever

Research has shown that roughly 80% of long-term care in this country is provided by family members. Many of these caregivers have their own families to look after and may also be holding down at least one job.In addition, family caregivers have been shown to ignore their own health and wellness needs. This often leads to caregiver burnout, which is...[ read more ]

Setting Boundaries When Working From Home

Healthy boundaries are a crucial part of all relationships—they help instill respect, trust, and safety—and work relationships are no exception. In fact, failing to set boundaries at work can cause stress, lead to burnout, and impact your productivity.Unfortunately, with the influx of remote jobs that began during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s become harder than ever to set boundaries with bosses...[ read more ]

Debunking 3 Myths About Introverts

Are you an introvert? People with this personality type tend to feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and feelings rather than what’s going on around them, and they often feel re-energized after spending time on their own.Society often paints introverts as being shy, submissive individuals, but is this really true? Below, we debunk three common myths about introverts.Myth...[ read more ]

Blue Monday: How to Prepare for the Saddest Day of the Year

Christmas is right around the corner. A time of fun and festivities, delights, and decadence. A time when we can enjoy our friends and family and live it up a little.And then January rolls around, and many of us find ourselves feeling a bit blue. And this is why “Blue Monday” has been established.Recognized on the third Monday in January,...[ read more ]

Five (5) Tips for Supporting a Depressed Parent

Dealing with a loved one who is depressed is always tough. When that loved one happens to be a parent, the roles flip and you become responsible for their mental health care. Older people get depressed for a variety of reasons such as declining physical ability, a chronic physical illness (e.g stroke), friends and family dying, history of anxiety/depression, and...[ read more ]

How Chronic Illness Can Affect Your Mental Health

If you are suffering from a chronic illness, you are not alone. Almost half of the population in the United States is currently battling some form of chronic physical illness. In fact, chronic illness is the number one driver of healthcare costs in America.Some of the most prevalent examples of chronic illnesses are:EpilepsyHIV/AIDSEndometriosisLupusArthritisDiabetesHeart diseaseFibromyalgiaMany people suffering from a chronic illness...[ read more ]

What Is Disenfranchised Grief?

Disenfranchised grief is a type of grief that isn’t accepted or acknowledged by society. (This makes sense, as Merriam-Webster defines “disenfranchised” as being “deprived of some right, privilege, or immunity.”) For example, people may tell the grieving person that they should be “over it” by now. Unfortunately, when someone’s grief isn’t validated by those around them, they may not get...[ read more ]

What Is Anticipatory Grief?

In many cases, grief occurs when someone has already suffered a loss. But grief can also result from a loss that is impending but hasn’t yet occurred. When this happens, it’s referred to as “anticipatory grief” or “preparatory grief.”Anticipatory grief commonly affects individuals who are expecting to lose someone or something important in the near future. For example, you may...[ read more ]

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1949 Goldsmith Lane, Ste. 103
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 317-6521

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