
9 Vitamins & Supplements That Can Help Relieve Anxiety

Anxiety can greatly impact a person’s overall health and well-being, and if you struggle with this condition, you may be willing to do almost anything to relieve your symptoms. There are numerous lifestyle changes you can make to help manage your anxiety—for example, you could try meditating, exercising, sleeping more, and reducing your caffeine and alcohol consumption—but did you know...[ read more ]

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Causes & Symptoms

Do you tend to start feeling unhappy around the same time each year? If so, you might have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that the American Psychiatric Association estimates affects about 5% of U.S. adults. Below, we explore what causes SAD and describe the symptoms that it often produces.What Causes SAD?Researchers are still working to determine exactly...[ read more ]

What Is the 333 Rule for Anxiety?

If you regularly experience anxiety, you may have researched ways to relieve your symptoms and come across a coping mechanism known as the “333 rule.” But how does it work? The next time you’re feeling anxious, try:Naming three things you seeNaming three sounds you hearMoving three body partsHow Does the 333 Rule Reduce Anxiety?Although the 333 rule doesn’t work in...[ read more ]

How Do You Break Night Terrors?

Sometimes referred to as “sleep terrors,” night terrors are a type of parasomnia that can cause someone to scream, cry, breathe heavily, have an increased heart rate, sweat, stare, sit up in bed, thrash around, or wave their arms and legs. It can be difficult to wake someone who’s experiencing night terrors, and they may be confused and hard to...[ read more ]

5 Summer Activities That Can Boost Your Mental Health

The sun’s out, the temperature is rising, and… you’re feeling depressed. While people typically experience the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the fall and winter months, this condition can also cause some individuals to feel depressed in the spring and summer. Whether you have SAD or you’re feeling depressed for another reason, here are five activities you should...[ read more ]

3 Tips for Starting a Self-Care Routine

You’ve probably heard of “self-care Sunday,” a recent trend that involves devoting one day a week to nourishing your mind and body. Whether you want to start practicing self-care on Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays—or every day—good for you! Depending on the practices you adopt, self-care can boost your mental and emotional health, enhance your physical health, strengthen your relationships, and improve...[ read more ]

Why Does Exercise Reduce Stress?

If you’re looking for a way to relieve stress, you’ll want to consider incorporating exercise into your daily routine (with a doctor’s approval). Exercise is renowned for being an excellent stress reliever, but how exactly does it affect stress levels? Exercise can:Increase endorphin production – Your pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce endorphins, hormones that can help reduce your stress, relieve...[ read more ]

How to Track Your Mental Health

If you’re looking to improve your mental health and overall well-being, one of the best things you can do is track how you’re feeling. Not only does this allow you to identify any issues you might be experiencing and set goals for how to resolve them, but it can also help you analyze how you’re progressing toward those goals. Here...[ read more ]

What Is Executive Dysfunction?

The brain has three main executive functions: working memory (which helps you remember what you’re doing at the present moment), cognitive flexibility (which helps you shift your thinking from one topic to another), and inhibition control (which helps you focus and stop yourself from saying and doing certain things). Executive dysfunction disrupts these functions, making it difficult for someone to...[ read more ]

3 Habits That Could Be Affecting Your Mental Health

Often times, when we think about what could harm our mental health, our minds go to major life events—the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, or the death of a loved one. But small habits that often go unnoticed can also play a major role. Below are three common habits that could be negatively affecting your mental...[ read more ]

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