
Supporting Friends and Family Who May Be in a Domestic Abuse Situation

When our loved ones are struggling and in pain, it can be very difficult to know what to do to help them. Seeing friends and family in an abusive relationship can be particularly challenging. We just “want to shake them” and have them see what we see and follow our advice. But coming on too strong with our opinions and...[ read more ]

How Bipolar Disorder Can Affect Relationships

Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects an individual’s mood. While manageable, the condition not only affects how a person thinks and feels, but also how they behave and act in romantic relationships. For instance, individuals with bipolar disorder experience severe high and low moods, which are typically called manic and depressive episodes. While in these emotional states, their behavior...[ read more ]

How Counseling Can Help With Big Life Changes

They say there are only two things in life you can count on: death and taxes. I would add a third: changes. Every person goes through changes in life. And some of those changes can be significant.Whether you are graduating, starting a new job, moving to a new city, or ending a relationship, you may find dealing with change to...[ read more ]

Effects of Child Abuse on Adult Survivors

Each year in this country millions of children are the victims of child abuse at the hands of parents, guardians and other adults. Whether this abuse is physical, sexual, verbal or emotional, it can leave scars on their heart and psyche for many years.Here are just some of the long-term effects of child abuse on adult survivors:Forming Healthy Bonds and...[ read more ]

How to Know You’re Dealing with a Narcissist

We all believe we know what narcissism looks like. After all, aren’t a majority of politicians and Hollywood A-listers narcissists, projecting their massive egos onto the world? While that may be true, narcissists come in all shapes and sizes. They walk among us, some of them obvious, and some of them covert. So how can you tell if you’re dealing with an...[ read more ]

The Different Types of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy can be a powerful vehicle for personal transformation. By speaking with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential environment, a person has the opportunity to explore their inner world and gain an understanding of their behaviors.Research has now shown that individual psychotherapy can be highly effective at improving the symptoms of a wide range of mental health issues...[ read more ]

Mental Health Effects of Excessive Screen Time

If we’re honest, most of us would admit we look at some form of digital screen more than we do the face of our friends and loved ones. From our phones to iPad, laptops and flatscreen TVs the size of an entire wall, screen time for most people is definitely on the rise. But what exactly are the mental health...[ read more ]

Am I Sad or Depressed?

Into each life a little rain must fall is a way of saying every one of us will experience sadness in our lifetime. It is completely normal and natural. But there are some people who feel something deeper and darker than sadness, and they may feel this way despite there being no triggering event such as the loss of a...[ read more ]

How to Tell When You’re Feeling Burned Out

Many people think of burnout as simply being incredibly tired after a long week or month of work or school studies. But burnout is much more than a physical exhaustion; it has in fact been called the “triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of detachment.” Here are some additional signs of burnout:PessimismPessimism is a major red flag that someone is...[ read more ]

The Powerful Benefits of Forgiveness

There is a very old saying that says, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” This is a warning to people to not act out in anger or resentment because you only end up harming yourself. Over time, these feelings of resentment can build until the individual develops feelings of depression or anxiety.While forgiving others who have hurt...[ read more ]

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1949 Goldsmith Lane, Ste. 103
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 317-6521

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