
Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude Journals

At some point in their life, many people will face a mental health crisis. Perhaps it is the stress from a divorce, anxiety from a move, or grieving the loss of a loved one. There are numerous ways we can tackle mental health to make our entire well-being a priority. But one method that not nearly enough people speak about...[ read more ]

3 Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships

The number one ingredient to any healthy and stable relationship is good communication. When communication is poor, relationships break down.Whether they are platonic, romantic or revolve around business, your relationships will thrive if you improve your communication with others. Here’s how:Be Fully PresentTrust and respect must be earned by both parties. And this requires giving each other your full attention....[ read more ]

Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at alarming rates.What are Mental Health Days Exactly?The good news is that taking a mental...[ read more ]

Give the Gift of Mental Health: 5 Present Ideas

The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us are struggling to come up with gift ideas our friends and family will love. With so many people dealing with stress and anxiety these days over the recession, layoffs and threat of nuclear war, the best gift you can give this season is the gift of mental health.With this...[ read more ]

Get Ahead of Your Seasonal Depression this Year

If you live in a colder climate, you know it can be challenging dealing with a lack of sunlight and being stuck inside due to frigid temps during winter months. It is for these reasons many people experience what is called “the winter blues.”But seasonal depression goes much deeper than this. Also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder – or SAD...[ read more ]

How to Deal with Family Drama Around the Holidays

For many of us, spending time with family during the holidays is something straight out of a Hallmark movie with days filled with comfort and joy. But for others, the holidays with family are scarier than Halloween. From the stress of traveling to the pressure of buying and wrapping gifts, and the fact many family members can’t be in the...[ read more ]

Types of Anxiety Disorders

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience anxiety. It’s actually a natural reaction to many stressors such as starting a new job, taking final exams, and becoming a new parent.Now for many people, the anxiety will subside once the stressor goes away. But for others, anxiety becomes persistent and even excessive, even without obvious stressors, interfering...[ read more ]

Holiday Stress Prevention Tips

The holidays are right around the corner! And that means many of us will begin losing our minds, patience, and good cheer. Well, can you blame us? The holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. Between shopping, decorating, and family, it’s enough to pull your hair out!If you tend to get a little stressed over the...[ read more ]

How Emotions Enter Our Dreams and Impact Our Health

Society seems to condition us to always appear calm and in full control of how we feel, no matter the circumstances. Suppressing emotions may seem like a great way to prove that you’re strong and not a weak crybaby but hiding how you really feel can have serious health consequences such as mental fatigue, elevated blood pressure, and sleeping problems.Common...[ read more ]

Here’s How Social Isolation Affects Your Health

Many of us experienced social isolation during the recent pandemic. And none of us will deny that those days and weeks were very hard. Thankfully, the pandemic is over, and life for the majority of us has returned to normal.But for some people, social isolation didn’t go away; it is a part of their “normal” existence.Common Causes of Social IsolationThere...[ read more ]

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1949 Goldsmith Lane, Ste. 103
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 317-6521

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