
How Will You Celebrate International Self-Care Day?

You know most of us are not taking self-care seriously when the “powers that be” had to go and make an international holiday to raise awareness! International Self-Care Day is on July 24th each year. Developed by the International Self-Care Foundation, the holiday is a great time to focus on your needs and give yourself some pampering.Why are So Many...[ read more ]

Infertility’s Impact on Women’s Mental Health

Infertility is a condition that refers to an inability to become pregnant or to take a baby to term after one year of trying. This is a heartbreaking reality for many women across the globe. In fact, it is estimated that in the United States alone, roughly 6 million women suffer from infertility, according to the Centers for Disease Control...[ read more ]

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(502) 317-6521

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