
Do I Have the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, 70-80% of all new mothers experience what’s called the “baby blues", while only 10% - 20% suffer from postpartum depression. With so many women experiencing some form of emotional upheaval after giving birth, why is there still so much confusion about the two?Samantha Meltzer-Brody, M.D., Associate Professor and Director of the Perinatal Psychiatry Program,...[ read more ]

What is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?

You’ve probably heard of mindfulness meditation, but what exactly is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)? This form of therapy uses mindfulness practices like breathing exercises and meditation to help clients break free of negative thought patterns.What Can MBCT Treat?MBCT was first developed to prevent individuals who were struggling with repeating episodes of depression and anxiety from relapsing. Studies have found MBCT to be...[ read more ]

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