
Overcoming Depression: Practical Steps

Do you experience persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or guilt? Are you feeling fatigued, anxious, restless, or like you can’t focus? Have you lost interest in the activities you once enjoyed, or have your coworkers or loved ones noticed that you’ve been more irritable than usual?If this sounds familiar, you might have depression, a common but serious mood...[ read more ]

Nurturing Positive Relationships

No matter how independent you may be, it’s still important to build healthy relationships with your immediate and extended family members, friends, and coworkers. Research suggests that when we foster connections with those around us, it can:Improve our self-esteemMake us more cooperative, empathetic, and trustingStrengthen our immune systemsExtend our livesReduce our risk of developing anxiety and depressionHow to Build Healthy...[ read more ]

Building Resilience in Difficult Times

With everything that we’ve gone through as a society in recent years—the COVID-19 pandemic, mass shootings, the possibility of a recession, and more—let alone what we’ve had to deal with in our personal lives, it can be hard to cope. But taking steps to adapt can greatly benefit our mental health and overall well-being. Below are some tips on how...[ read more ]

Coping With Grief & Loss

If you’ve recently lost someone or something, you may be going through the grieving process. Below, we explain what grief is and how long the grieving process can be expected to take. We also offer some tips on how to cope with loss.What Is Grief?The emotional pain that you feel after a loss is known as “grief.” Someone who’s grieving...[ read more ]

Five (5) Tips for Grieving a Loved One

Grieving for a loved one is very possibly the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do. Understand that it will take time and effort to heal, but you will heal if that is what you want. (Holding onto the past and your anguish is an option, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it.) While time will be the biggest factor in helping you...[ read more ]

How Fitness Impacts Your Mental Health

When most people commit to a fitness routine, they do so to improve their physical health. Perhaps they need to lose weight or find a natural way to lower their blood pressure or blood glucose. And while exercise definitely impacts a person’s physical health, it also significantly impacts their mental health as well!Here are just some of the ways fitness...[ read more ]

OCD Behaviors: How do They Manifest?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects millions of people in this country from all walks of life. If you or a loved one suffers with OCD, you know the symptoms typically include developing strict routines or avoiding specific objects or situations. But what is the root cause of OCD and how exactly do these behaviors manifest? Once an individual understands how...[ read more ]

How Will You Celebrate International Self-Care Day?

You know most of us are not taking self-care seriously when the “powers that be” had to go and make an international holiday to raise awareness! International Self-Care Day is on July 24th each year. Developed by the International Self-Care Foundation, the holiday is a great time to focus on your needs and give yourself some pampering.Why are So Many...[ read more ]

Couples: How to Regulate Yourself During Difficult Conversations

Sharing your life with someone means having open and honest conversations, even when those conversations are a bit difficult. But that’s easier said than done.During hard conversations, it’s common for many people to become triggered by something their partner has said. Calm one moment, but the next they’re thrown into “fight or flight” mode, their brain sensing danger. Before they...[ read more ]

Supporting Friends and Family Who May Be in a Domestic Abuse Situation

When our loved ones are struggling and in pain, it can be very difficult to know what to do to help them. Seeing friends and family in an abusive relationship can be particularly challenging. We just “want to shake them” and have them see what we see and follow our advice. But coming on too strong with our opinions and...[ read more ]

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1949 Goldsmith Lane, Ste. 103
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 317-6521

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