
Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Anxiety can affect every aspect of our lives, including our employment, and if workplace anxiety isn’t properly managed, it has the potential to negatively impact our careers and our own self-view.For example, if a promotion would require you to interact more with clients, give more presentations, or take more business trips—and you feel stressed at the prospect of having to...[ read more ]

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Everyone worries from time to time. But if you find yourself worrying on most days for at least six months, you may have a condition known as generalized anxiety disorder. People with this disorder often worry excessively about everyday issues, such as their:HealthFamilyWorkMoneyWhat Are the Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?The hallmark symptom of generalized anxiety disorder is constant, uncontrollable worrying....[ read more ]

Here’s How Social Isolation Affects Your Health

Many of us experienced social isolation during the recent pandemic. And none of us will deny that those days and weeks were very hard. Thankfully, the pandemic is over, and life for the majority of us has returned to normal.But for some people, social isolation didn’t go away; it is a part of their “normal” existence.Common Causes of Social IsolationThere...[ read more ]

Student Mental Health Post-Pandemic

At no other time in history have schools had to face so many challenges. The COVID-9 pandemic required teachers, students, and faculty to quickly pivot and move classes to an online environment during times of great uncertainty.Despite the work involved to keep education going, students of all ages have still been significantly impacted by the stress of lockdowns. Many students...[ read more ]

Stress’s Physiological Impact on the Body

The old saying goes, “Into every life a little rain must fall.” Stress is like rain. A little of it can be a good thing. But too much can cause havoc and devastation.Our bodies are designed to handle a little bit of acute or sudden stress. But when stress is prolonged or becomes chronic, it can have devastating consequences to...[ read more ]

4 Subtle Exercises to Calm Anxiety in Public

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults over the age of 18 suffer from an anxiety disorder. If you are one of them, you know how difficult your life can feel most days.When anxiety strikes, the world around us can become a sort of funhouse, only not that much fun. It’s important to be able...[ read more ]

How to Prevent Burnout

Not many people get through life without experiencing burnout at some point. Whether it’s from working more than one job, taking care of a sick loved one, or juggling family life while going back to school, burnout is real, and it negatively impacts your life and health.Common Signs of BurnoutIf you think you may be experiencing burnout but are unsure,...[ read more ]

3 Ways Teens Can Benefit from Therapy

Not many of us remember our teenage years as walks in the park. That’s because this time in our life is punctuated by uncertainties, social pressure, and a surge of hormones. Because of this perfect storm, many teens act out, which can cause a lot of chaos and disruption in the home and family.Here are 3 reasons why teens can...[ read more ]

Benefits of a Mental Health Day from Work or School

We’ve all had those days when the alarm goes off and we lie in bed, feeling depleted of our energy, and maybe even our good mood. We think to ourselves, “I’m not really sick, but I just need a break from real life today.” While taking a sick day is common when you are feeling physically unwell, what’s not as...[ read more ]

How to Deal with Social Anxiety after COVID

It has been a very long year. Lockdowns and social distancing have had a profound impact on our hearts and minds. But thankfully, as the vaccines roll out and the country begins to slowly open back up, we are beginning to return to some kind of normal.While many people are jumping for joy with the idea of taking part in...[ read more ]

Office within b.mindful Louisville
1949 Goldsmith Lane, Ste. 103
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 317-6521

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